

 Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI

 Meeting of overall Objectives – Overwhelming response to ₹7.7K crore PowerGrid InvIT is a proof of need for more bolder, efficient, and futuristic models of monetisation of assets. With the goal of raising non-debt capital revenue, meeting of true objectives is unclear: Read More..


NOW AND EVER: Time to Impliment Design-Build-Operate-Maintain Model For The CGD Sector

 Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI

Unlocking the latent potential of gas demand of India will depend not just on resolving the supply and infrastructure bottlenecks, but also on the adoption of established project execution models, like Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM), for a new phase of infrastructure development. Read More..


Oil Pilferage - A Big Threat To Nation

 Author:Shri M M Mohanty

In the oil and gas industries, the cross country underground pipelines are considered as the lifeline in the entire world now. The pipelines are the most efficient way for transportation of petroleum products, crude oil, LPG, gases etc. in an environment friendly, safe, fast way of delivery at long distant points from the sources in the least possible time and a cost-effective manner. Read More..


Bringing LNG Literally on Tracks Through Railway Tranportation

 Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI

Leveraging pan-India reach of Indian Railways, the fourth largest railway network in the world by size, with route length of 67,415 km covering 7,349 stations, to transport Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) by rail could be a viable option to connect LNG Import Terminals to demand centers. Read More..

Gas Exchange: India`s Maiden Online Gas Trading Platform-- Challenges and Way Forward 

Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI
The gas pricing mechanism adopted in 2014 linking domestic prices to a combination of international benchmarks was perhaps the least imperfect of solutions for an evolving yet unconsolidated market quite far from maturity. Read More..


LNG - Transition to Transport Fuel

Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI

Any entity now being allowed to open an LNG Station in any GA is a recent policy call to recognize, encourage, dialogue/ debate and initiate commercial activity to establish LNG as a Transportation fuel. Read More..


Now or Never: Time to Impliment Design-Build-OwnOperate-Transfer Model for the Oil & Gas Sector 

Author:Shri Sanjay Kaul, FEI

A massive investment of USD 118 billion in oil and gas exploration and establishment of natural gas infrastructure is committed and expected in the next few years in India. Read More..